OpenMind Psychological Services offers psychological and psychoeducational evaluations. We are currently providing evaluations starting at age 3 and up to adult. Adult Autism evaluations are currently not being offered.
Evaluations can provide valuable information for those seeking to better understand work, interpersonal, and school related problems. They are used to gain diagnostic clarity to support treatment, to address educational difficulties, and to offer recommendations for improved functioning.
The outcome of testing may result in a diagnosis, if the data supports this; however, a deepening of understanding of you or your child’s strengths and struggles, and a clearer sense of how to help them grow and succeed is often the most helpful outcome.
Unsure which “type” of testing is best for you or your child? Dr. Temple will tailor each evaluation to the specific concerns and symptoms that you or your child presents with as we discuss the background in depth during the intake process. Together we develop the testing battery that will best fit your needs. Call for a FREE Consultation.
Comprehensive Psychological and Psychoeducational Evaluations can provide diagnostic clarification, assist with treatment planning, and help to determine eligibility for specialized education services and school accommodations. This type of evaluation is often recommended when specific learning disorders with impairment in reading (i.e., dyslexia), writing or mathematics are suspected. It can also provide information regarding the academic implications of ADHD, ADD, executive dysfunction, Autism Spectrum Disorders, and other disorders and guide educational planning, therapeutic services, and supplemental interventions.
A Developmental Evaluation can assist in the accurate diagnosis of cognitive and social-emotional deficits (e.g., Intellectual disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Global Developmental Delay, etc.), and in planning and implementing interventions and to make recommendations for any specialized services.
Many private and independent schools require cognitive assessments as part of the admissions process. Cognitive assessments may also be needed for the application to the Gifted and Talented (GT) Program at local public schools.
Updated psychological or psychoeducational evaluations may be needed to demonstrate that a learning disability or deficit in attention continues to have a significant negative impact on an individual's school, test performance, or work.
NEW Office Address - The Monroe Building Manassas VA
** WE ARE HIRING! EMAIL ONLY for more information.
**Adult Autism Assessments are NOT offered at this time